560 lines
23 KiB
560 lines
23 KiB
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# 13.0
# 限制选择部分数据集,先做测试
# 12.0
# 置不可用事件的片段为上限,不可用片段设置为背景,不记录事件
# 10.0
# 使用提出质量差的信号
# 9.0
# 增加 最新的质量标签 未使用
# 8.0
# 生成 除低通气所有事件标签
# 尝试过步进两秒 会造成不足两秒的数据被抛弃,造成较多误判,但是可以考虑囊括这部分
# 采用 30秒数据 移动 1秒 将所有呼吸暂停标注为1 低通气为0 正常为0
# 预处理操作 为 50Hz陷波滤波器去工频 外加 20Hz的低通滤波器 这个20Hz要看BCG信号的频谱范围
# 先提剔除极端值
# 数值大于最高基准线或最低基准线
# type1: average:1800 low:1200 high:2400
# type2: average:2400 low:1800 high:3000
# 过多片段会造成平均值偏移
# 加入体动标签,计算除体动外的平均值
# 最后降采为100hz
import time
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
import yaml
from pathos import multiprocessing
from tqdm import tqdm
# 数据集 和 标签 位置
bcg_numpy_data_path = Path(r"/home/marques/code/marques/apnea/dataset/BCG_100hz_lowpass50/")
bcg_label_path = Path(r"/home/marques/code/marques/apnea/dataset/BCG_label_0616/")
# BCG 记录开始时间
bcg_start_time = np.loadtxt(Path(r"/home/marques/code/marques/apnea/dataset/start_time.csv"), delimiter=', ',
bcg_start_time = dict(zip(bcg_start_time[:, 0], bcg_start_time[:, 1]))
# 读取每个数据集路径
all_numpy_dataset = list(bcg_numpy_data_path.rglob("*.npy"))
# 划分后的数据集保存路径
# dataset_save_path = Path(r"/home/marques/code/marques/apnea/dataset/dataset/dataset0623_300_30_30/")
dataset_save_path = Path(r"./dataset/")
# 设置日志
logger = logging.getLogger()
realtime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M', time.localtime(time.time()))
fh = logging.FileHandler(dataset_save_path / (realtime + ".log"), mode='w')
# fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] - %(levelname)s: %(message)s"))
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
# all_label = []
# 输出统计数据标题栏
# logger.info("sampNo".center(8) +
# "hpy_num".center(8) + "hpy_time".center(10) +
# "csa_num".center(8) + "csa_time".center(10) +
# "osa_num".center(8) + "osa_time".center(10) +
# "msa_num".center(8) + "msa_time".center(10)
# )
logger.info("sampNo".center(8) + ',' +
"train_num".center(10) + ',' + "train_P".center(10) + ',' + "train_N".center(10) + ',' +
"valid_num".center(10) + ',' + "valid_P".center(10) + ',' + "valid_N".center(10) + ',' +
"test_num".center(10) + ',' + "test_P".center(10) + ',' + "test_N".center(10) + ',' +
"train_eve".center(10) + ',' + "valid_eve".center(10) + ',' + "test_eve".center(10)
base_random_seed = 42
window_second = 30
step_second = 1
valid_ratio = 0.1
test_ratio = 0.1
normal_event_quality_label = 0
# valid_ratio = 5000
# test_ratio = 10000
assert ((valid_ratio + test_ratio) < 1 and 0 < valid_ratio < 1 and 0 < test_ratio < 1) or (
valid_ratio > 1 and valid_ratio > 1), "验证集与测试集输入应同时为比例或数量"
# dataset sampNo for test
with open("./settings.yaml") as f:
hyp = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
select_dataset = hyp["select_sampno"]
# 需要置成0的片段,前面不一定补零,还有可能上万
disable_segment = {
'221': [[0, 10000]],
'670': [[0, 20000]],
'683': [[0, 20000]],
'704': [[0, 26000]],
'726': [[0, 20000]],
'736': [[0, 47000]],
'933': [[0, 773560]],
'935': [[0, 26600]],
'952': [[0, 17000]],
'955': [[0, 78000]],
'961': [[0, 107000]],
'962': [[0, 15100]],
'966': [[0, 13120]],
'967': [[0, 44000]],
'1006': [[0, 60000]],
'1009': [[0, 1000]],
'1010': [[0, 49000]],
'1296': [[0, 27000]],
'1300': [[0, 33800]],
'1301': [[0, 14000]],
'1302': [[0, 5600]],
'1374': [[0, 1000]],
'1478': [[0, 998000]],
# 生成数据集主函数
def generate_label(No, dataset_path):
:param dataset_path: 数据集路径
# 获取数据编号
sampNo = dataset_path.stem.split("samp")[0]
# 标签路径
label_path = bcg_label_path / f"export{sampNo}_all.csv"
if not label_path.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{label_path} not exist")
if not dataset_path.exists():
raise Exception(f"{dataset_path} not exists")
# 加载数据集
select_numpy = np.load(dataset_path)
select_numpy_len = len(select_numpy)
# 开头不合理片段置零
if sampNo in disable_segment.keys():
for sp, ep in disable_segment[sampNo]:
select_numpy[sp:ep] = 0
# 剔除质量差信号
if sampNo == "670":
select_numpy = select_numpy[:17195 * 100]
# 获取前面补了多少0
not_zero_point = 0
for num in select_numpy:
if num > 10:
not_zero_point += 1
not_zero_point //= 100
# 读取标签
label_csv = pd.read_csv(label_path, encoding='gbk')
label_csv["new_start"] = label_csv["new_start"].astype("int")
label_csv["new_end"] = label_csv["new_end"].astype("int")
label_csv["Duration"] = label_csv["Duration"].astype("int")
label_csv["new_label"] = label_csv["new_label"].fillna("2")
label_csv["new_label"] = label_csv["new_label"].astype("int")
# 剔除质量不好的样本
# drop_csv = label_csv[
# (label_csv["Event type"].isin(["Central apnea", "Obstructive apnea"])) & (label_csv["new_label"] == 2)]
# label_csv = label_csv.drop(drop_csv.index)
# 事件片段与背景片段, 每个背景长度均为设定窗长
segment_labels = []
negative_labels = []
hpy_num = csa_num = osa_num = msa_num = 0
hpy_time = csa_time = osa_time = msa_time = 0
# 遍历全部事件并统计
for i in range(len(label_csv)):
# 进行LabelEncoder
label = label_csv.iloc[i, :]
# 如果事件在补零片段,则不添加到事件列表
if label["new_end"] < not_zero_point:
if sampNo == "670" and label["new_start"] > 17195:
if label["new_end"] - label["new_start"] < 10:
# 将事件添加到事件列表
if label["Event type"] == "Hypopnea":
label_type = 1
hpy_num += 1
hpy_time += label["new_end"] - label["new_start"]
# 将低通气添加到背景 好像不用专门加入到负样本事件中?
# negative_labels.append(
# [sampNo, i, label_type, normal_event_quality_label, label["new_start"], label["new_end"]])
elif label["Event type"] == "Central apnea":
label_type = 2
csa_num += 1
csa_time += label["new_end"] - label["new_start"]
elif label["Event type"] == "Obstructive apnea":
label_type = 3
osa_num += 1
osa_time += label["new_end"] - label["new_start"]
# MSA 认为是OSA
elif label["Event type"] == "Mixed apnea":
label_type = 3
msa_num += 1
msa_time += label["new_end"] - label["new_start"]
# label_type = 0
if label["new_end"] - label["new_start"] > label["Duration"] + 20:
print(sampNo, label)
# 格式为 样本编号 第几个事件 标签 开始事件 结束事件
segment_labels.append([sampNo, i, label_type, label["new_label"], label["new_start"], label["new_end"]])
# logger.info(sampNo.center(8) +
# str(hpy_num).center(8) + str(hpy_time).center(10) +
# str(csa_num).center(8) + str(csa_time).center(10) +
# str(osa_num).center(8) + str(osa_time).center(10) +
# str(msa_num).center(8) + str(msa_time).center(10))
# 设置随机树种子
random_seed = base_random_seed + int(sampNo)
# 对于无事件的样本,直接将所有的片段
if len(segment_labels) == 0:
# 剔除补零片段(把开始点移动到补零结束)
normal_SP = not_zero_point
# 开头至少满足一个窗长
if normal_SP < window_second:
normal_SP = window_second
# 结束点为样本总长 除以 采样率
normal_EP = select_numpy_len // 100
label_type = 0
# 正常时间编号为秒数 除以 30,即epoch
negative_labels += [[sampNo, 10000 + normal_SP // 30, label_type, normal_event_quality_label, SP1,
SP1 + window_second] for SP1 in
range(normal_SP - window_second + step_second, normal_EP - window_second + step_second,
# 对于有事件的样本
# 遍历事件,获取事件之间的背景片段
for index in range(len(segment_labels) + 1):
# 前一个事件的结尾 与 下一事件开头即为背景
# 对于开头的无事件片段,则设定开始事件为0
if index == 0:
normal_SP = 0
# 非开头片段,开始点为上一个事件的结尾
# 加一秒 作为 缓冲
normal_SP = segment_labels[index - 1][-1] + 1
# 最后一个事件则取到样本片段结尾
if index == len(segment_labels):
normal_EP = select_numpy_len // 100 - window_second
# 否则结束事件取 本事件开头
# 减一秒 作为 缓冲
normal_EP = segment_labels[index][-2] - 1
# 剔除包含开头补零的片段
if normal_EP < not_zero_point:
# 剔除开头不足30s的正常片段
if normal_SP < window_second:
label_type = 0
# 将背景事件按照滑窗距离逐个加入到背景事件中
temp_1 = [[sampNo, 10000 + normal_SP // 30, label_type, normal_event_quality_label, SP1, SP1 + window_second]
for SP1 in range(normal_SP - window_second, normal_EP - window_second, window_second)]
negative_labels += temp_1
train_label, valid_label, test_label = [], [], []
# assert (valid_ratio + test_ratio) < 1 <= len(segment_labels), f"{sampNo}训练集与测试集数量应小于总数据集数量{len(segment_labels)}"
# 对于测试数据全部直接保存
if int(sampNo) in select_dataset:
event_label = np.zeros(select_numpy_len // 100)
quality_label = np.zeros(select_numpy_len // 100)
# 用于存储事件标签
for PN, segmentNo, label_type, new_label, SP, EP in segment_labels:
event_label[SP:EP] = label_type
test_label = []
# 剔除补零片段
normal_SP = not_zero_point
if normal_SP < window_second:
normal_SP = window_second
normal_EP = select_numpy_len // 100
# 分成指定窗长的滑窗片段
test_label += [
[sampNo, SP1 // 30, int(event_label[SP1 + window_second - step_second]),
int(quality_label[SP1 + window_second - step_second]),
SP1, SP1 + window_second] for SP1 in range(normal_SP - window_second + step_second,
normal_EP - window_second + step_second, step_second)]
logger.info(sampNo.center(8) + ',' +
str(0).center(10) + ',' + str(0).center(10) + ',' + str(0).center(10) + ',' +
str(0).center(10) + ',' + str(0).center(10) + ',' + str(0).center(10) + ',' +
str(len(test_label)).center(10) + ',' +
str(sum(np.array(test_label)[:, 2].astype(int) > 1) if len(test_label) != 0 else 0).center(10) +
',' + str(sum(np.array(test_label)[:, 2].astype(int) < 1) if len(test_label) != 0 else 0).center(
10) + ',' + str(0).center(10) + ',' + str(0).center(10) + ',' + str(len(segment_labels)).center(10)
df2.loc[No] = [sampNo,
str(0), str(0), str(0),
str(0), str(0), str(0),
str(sum(np.array(test_label)[:, 2].astype(int) > 1) if len(test_label) != 0 else 0),
str(sum(np.array(test_label)[:, 2].astype(int) < 1) if len(test_label) != 0 else 0),
str(0), str(0), str(len(segment_labels))]
# np.save(dataset_save_path / f"{sampNo}_{step_second}s_all_{window_second}s_sa_test2_label.npy",
# np.array(test_label))
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_label,
columns=["sampNo", "index", "label_type", "new_label", "SP", "EP"])
df1.to_csv(dataset_save_path / f"{sampNo}_{step_second}s_focal_{window_second}s_sa_all_label.csv",
train_label, valid_label, test_label = [], [], []
# 对于训练与验证集样本
if True:
# 打乱片段顺序
# 获取训练集、验证集、测试集分到事件个数
if 0 < valid_ratio < 1:
train_segment_num = int(len(segment_labels) * (1 - valid_ratio - test_ratio))
valid_segment_num = int(len(segment_labels) * (1 - test_ratio))
train_segment_num = len(segment_labels) - valid_ratio - test_ratio
valid_segment_num = valid_ratio
# 分别将各事件切分为30s, 步进1秒的片段
for index in range(train_segment_num):
PN, segmentNo, label_type, new_label, SP, EP = segment_labels[index]
train_label += [[PN, segmentNo, label_type, new_label, SP1, SP1 + window_second] for SP1 in
range(SP - window_second, EP - window_second + step_second, step_second)]
for index in range(train_segment_num, valid_segment_num):
PN, segmentNo, label_type, new_label, SP, EP = segment_labels[index]
valid_label += [[PN, segmentNo, label_type, new_label, SP1, SP1 + window_second] for SP1 in
range(SP - window_second, EP - window_second + step_second, step_second)]
for index in range(valid_segment_num, len(segment_labels)):
PN, segmentNo, label_type, new_label, SP, EP = segment_labels[index]
test_label += [[PN, segmentNo, label_type, new_label, SP1, SP1 + window_second] for SP1 in
range(SP - window_second, EP - window_second + step_second * step_second)]
# 计算片段和事件个数
train_num, valid_num, test_num = len(train_label), len(valid_label), len(test_label)
train_eve, valid_eve, test_eve = train_segment_num, (valid_segment_num - train_segment_num), (
len(segment_labels) - valid_segment_num)
# 数据集补偿
# if train_num < 300:
# train_num = 300 - train_num
# if valid_num < 300:
# valid_num = 300 - valid_num
# if test_num < 300:
# test_num = 300 - test_num
# 获取训练集、验证集、测试集分到背景个数
if 0 < valid_ratio < 1:
train_eve2 = int(len(negative_labels) * (1 - valid_ratio - test_ratio))
valid_eve2 = int(len(negative_labels) * valid_ratio)
train_eve2 = len(negative_labels) - valid_ratio - test_ratio
valid_eve2 = valid_ratio
test_eve2 = len(negative_labels) - train_eve2 - valid_eve2
# 直接补充到足够个数的背景事件
# train_eve2 = max(train_eve, 300)
# valid_eve2 = max(valid_eve, 40)
# test_eve2 = max(test_eve, 40)
# 强制背景数量
# train_eve2 = train_eve
# valid_eve2 = valid_eve
# test_eve2 = test_eve
# 添加背景事件数量
for sampNo, index, label_type, new_label, normal_SP, normal_EP in negative_labels[:train_eve2]:
label_type = int(label_type)
train_label += [[sampNo, 10000 + normal_SP // 30, label_type, new_label, SP1, SP1 + window_second] for SP1
range(normal_SP, normal_EP, step_second)]
for sampNo, index, label_type, new_label, normal_SP, normal_EP in negative_labels[
train_eve2: train_eve2 + valid_eve2]:
label_type = int(label_type)
valid_label += [[sampNo, 10000 + normal_SP // 30, label_type, new_label, SP1, SP1 + window_second] for SP1
range(normal_SP, normal_EP, step_second)]
for sampNo, index, label_type, new_label, normal_SP, normal_EP in negative_labels[
train_eve2 + valid_eve2:train_eve2 + valid_eve2 + test_eve2]:
label_type = int(label_type)
test_label += [[sampNo, 10000 + normal_SP // 30, label_type, new_label, SP1, SP1 + window_second] for SP1 in
range(normal_SP, normal_EP, step_second)]
logger.info(sampNo.center(8) + ',' +
str(len(train_label)).center(10) + ',' +
str(sum(np.array(train_label)[:, 2].astype(int) > 1) if len(train_label) != 0 else 0).center(
10) + ',' +
str(sum(np.array(train_label)[:, 2].astype(int) < 1) if len(train_label) != 0 else 0).center(
10) + ',' +
str(len(valid_label)).center(10) + ',' +
str(sum(np.array(valid_label)[:, 2].astype(int) > 1) if len(valid_label) != 0 else 0).center(
10) + ',' +
str(sum(np.array(valid_label)[:, 2].astype(int) < 1) if len(valid_label) != 0 else 0).center(
10) + ',' +
str(len(test_label)).center(10) + ',' +
str(sum(np.array(test_label)[:, 2].astype(int) > 1) if len(test_label) != 0 else 0).center(
10) + ',' +
str(sum(np.array(test_label)[:, 2].astype(int) < 1) if len(test_label) != 0 else 0).center(
10) + ',' +
str(train_eve).center(10) + ',' + str(valid_eve).center(10) + ',' + str(test_eve).center(10)
df2.loc[No] = [sampNo.center(8),
str(sum(np.array(train_label)[:, 2].astype(int) > 1) if len(train_label) != 0 else 0),
str(sum(np.array(train_label)[:, 2].astype(int) < 1) if len(train_label) != 0 else 0),
str(sum(np.array(valid_label)[:, 2].astype(int) > 1) if len(valid_label) != 0 else 0),
str(sum(np.array(valid_label)[:, 2].astype(int) < 1) if len(valid_label) != 0 else 0),
str(sum(np.array(test_label)[:, 2].astype(int) > 1) if len(test_label) != 0 else 0),
str(sum(np.array(test_label)[:, 2].astype(int) < 1) if len(test_label) != 0 else 0),
str(train_eve), str(valid_eve), str(test_eve).center(10)]
def label_check(label_list):
temp_list = []
for sampNo, index, label_type, new_label, SP, EP in label_list:
if EP - SP < window_second:
print(sampNo, index, label_type, SP, EP)
temp_list.append([sampNo, index, label_type, new_label, SP, EP])
if SP < 0:
print(sampNo, index, label_type, SP, EP)
temp_list.append([sampNo, index, label_type, new_label, SP, EP])
if len(select_numpy[SP * 100:EP * 100]) != window_second * 100:
print(sampNo, index, label_type, SP, EP, len(select_numpy[SP * 100:EP * 100]))
temp_list.append([sampNo, index, label_type, new_label, SP, EP])
for j in temp_list:
for sampNo, index, label_type, new_label, SP, EP in train_label:
if EP - SP < window_second:
print(sampNo, index, label_type, new_label, SP, EP)
if SP < 0:
print(sampNo, index, label_type, new_label, SP, EP)
if len(select_numpy[SP * 100:EP * 100]) != window_second * 100:
print(sampNo, index, label_type, new_label, SP, EP, len(select_numpy[SP * 100:EP * 100]))
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=train_label,
columns=["sampNo", "index", "label_type", "new_label", "SP", "EP"])
df1.to_csv(dataset_save_path / f"{sampNo}_{step_second}s_focal_{window_second}s_sa_train_label.csv",
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=valid_label,
columns=["sampNo", "index", "label_type", "new_label", "SP", "EP"])
df1.to_csv(dataset_save_path / f"{sampNo}_{step_second}s_focal_{window_second}s_sa_valid_label.csv",
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_label,
columns=["sampNo", "index", "label_type", "new_label", "SP", "EP"])
df1.to_csv(dataset_save_path / f"{sampNo}_{step_second}s_focal_{window_second}s_sa_test_label.csv", index=False)
# np.save(dataset_save_path / f"{sampNo}_{step_second}s_focal_{window_second}s_sa_train_label.npy",
# np.array(train_label))
# np.save(dataset_save_path / f"{sampNo}_{step_second}s_focal_{window_second}s_sa_valid_label.npy",
# np.array(valid_label))
# np.save(dataset_save_path / f"{sampNo}_{step_second}s_focal_{window_second}s_sa_test_label.npy",
# np.array(test_label))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=44)
# pool.map(generate_label, list(all_numpy_dataset))
# pool.close()
# pool.join()
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=None,
"train_num", "train_P", "train_N",
"valid_num", "valid_P", "valid_N",
"test_num", "test_P", "test_N",
"train_eve", "valid_eve", "test_eve"])
temp = []
for one_dataset in all_numpy_dataset:
if int(one_dataset.stem.split("samp")[0]) in [*select_dataset]:
# for one_dataset in temp:
# all_numpy_dataset.remove(one_dataset)
for No, one_dataset in enumerate(temp):
generate_label(No, one_dataset)
df2.to_csv(dataset_save_path / (realtime + ".csv"), index=False)
# generate_label(all_numpy_dataset[0])