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# encoding:utf-8
@ date: 2020-09-16
@ author: jingxian
@ illustration: Pre-processing
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, filtfilt
def Butterworth(data, sample_rate, type, low_cut=0.0, high_cut=0.0, order=10):
:param type: Type of Butter. filter, lowpass, bandpass, ...
:param lowcut: Low cutoff frequency
:param highcut: High cutoff frequency
:param order: Order of filter
:return: Signal after filtering
if type == "lowpass": # 低通滤波处理
b, a = butter(order, low_cut / (sample_rate * 0.5), btype='lowpass', output='ba')
return filtfilt(b, a, data)
elif type == "bandpass": # 带通滤波处理
low = low_cut / (sample_rate * 0.5)
high = high_cut / (sample_rate * 0.5)
b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='bandpass', output='ba')
return filtfilt(b, a, data)
elif type == "highpass": # 高通滤波处理
b, a = butter(order, high_cut / (sample_rate * 0.5), btype='highpass', output='ba')
return filtfilt(b, a, data)
else: # 警告,滤波器类型必须有
raise ValueError("Please choose a type of fliter")